Friday, September 17, 2010

Bus Turr/ Let the classes begin!

Greetings!  Today was a very productive day.... My battery operated alarm clock (not my flatmate) got me up and I had my first human phys lecture in the morning.  I'm so glad I know what time it is now; There is nothing worse than being in a foreign country with no clock (Well... not the worst, but on the list of bad things).

The classes are a lot smaller here - about 50/class rather than my first year classes in Guelph of about 6oo.  Also, the students only take 3 classes rather than 5 that I'm use to.  There is a lot more free time but the classes are more in depth.  They have a wonderful timetable where all students have Wednesday afternoon's off as it's reserved as a sports day - what a fantastic idea! The U of Stirling is known for it's sports program so I hope to sign up for something to fill in my Wednesday afternoons. Football perhaps... 

I am very thankful that I can understand all of my profs. I was worried that at least one of them would have a very strong accent but all seems well so far.

Earlier in the week, the study abroad students got a free bus tour around Stirling, so here we go...

There was some significance to this bridge... but I forget :)  I'll find out and post another description later.

The old prison.

This was while we were going up a very steep, cobble-stoney, winding road on our way to the castle - we were all worried the bus wouldn't make it, but it was worth it...

View of Stirling from the castle.

Robert the Bruce - 'King of Scots'

Try saying this without sounding Scottish!

Robert the Bruce: "We fight not for glory nor for wealth nor honour, but only and alone we fight for freedom which no good man surrenders but with his life" Inspiring words...

some exchange friends :)

Stirling castle from afar and some sheep!

... beautiful wood carving.

We finally all got cell phones today! (or mobiles I should call them)

After our daily Tesco run (the local grocery store) and on our way home.  

The weather has been gorgeous recently and it hasn't rained for 2 full days now.  So far that's the record since I've been here and I'm going to keep track.  2 days and counting...

The plan is to conquer the Wallace Monument tomorrow so stay tuned! Mom and dad: a full report on the talking head is soon to come...



  1. Hi Al,
    Greetings from rainy Hanover, Ontario! It sounds like we're experiencing more Scottish-type weather than you are!! Your wet days will come, no doubt...
    What a beauty turr, and we're glad everyone's got a mobile now--likely starting to have withdrawl as it's become so much a part of the way communication happens.
    Can't wait to hear about the Wallace Monument--is Mel's statue still there?

  2. I get it! The order of your posts underneath the month tabs on the left is chronological, with the most recent at the top?
    Pathetic, eh? Took me forever!
    Football? You and Ms. Ayers both.
    “There was some significance to this bridge... but I forget” … totally how I recount my travel stories to people as well. It’s rare that I remember exactly why particular architecture is significant :P
    The wooden carving in the cathedral looks amazing...
